Healthy Lifestyle


Winter is Coming

As summer comes to a close and we prepare for fall, many of us, especially our children will shift their time indoors.  Unfortunately, this often means more stress on our immune and detox systems, which makes it easier for us to succumb to the ever-present germs around us and within us. Yes, you heard it right, those germs that people think magically show up in droves for the winter are always around and inside of us, we just tend to have better defenses to them in the warmer months (think sunlight, outdoor play, exercise, hydration, local fresh foods, less screen time, less breathing of recycled air, etc.).

This concept, for the interested self-researchers, is known as Terrain Theory, and plays in stark contrast to the touted Germ Theory of western medicine.  But, if these germs are always around us and within us, wouldn’t we always be sick?  If these germs outnumber us several trillion to one, how could we stand a chance?  The answer is resilience.

Our bodies come with defense systems, from a skin barrier to the immune system to our microbiome, and even our lymphatics and detox pathways, our body is a literal fortress of adaptation and resilience against anything trying to harm it.  So, what goes wrong?

Well, to start, many of us are carrying a bunch of junk with us at all times thanks to modern chemical agriculture, thousands of manmade chemicals in our cookware, clothing, skincare, candles, etc., and a massive decrease in the nutrition quality of our foods. This has rendered that fortress vulnerable to foreign invaders and internal blockages. Without getting too far in the weeds about it, consider that every single enzyme, immune cell, detox pathway, and barrier system in your body requires vitamins and minerals to function properly, and the overwhelming majority of us are deficient due to underconsumption and chronic exposure to toxins.

So, what do we do? Well, our office, in collaboration with a colleague who practices functional medicine, has come up with a detox cleanse to purge some of the backed-up junk bogging down our systems.  While this cleanse is technically a mold-parasite-heavy metal cleanse, it is primarily targeted to optimize detoxification in the liver, cleanse the lymphatics, improve bowel elimination, and support immune function.  For several families in the office, including ours, this has helped immensely, contributing to significantly less illness, less allergies, improved sleep, and even a better overall sense of well-being in the body.

The “kit” was designed with kiddos in mind (we know taking a bunch of vitamins and drinking yucky drinks just doesn’t fly with this crew) as it is both easy to knock out in the morning, but also palatable with some juice or smoothie as the mixer. For our family, we will be thinking proactively, rather than waiting for illness to come to us. By cleansing and supporting our bodies, we know that we will be more prepared for any challenges to our immune system and more resilient to the many challenges of the colder months.

For more information of this cleanse and how it can support you, your family, and your kiddos, please chat with one of our doctors at your next appointment or shoot us a message via email.  If the winter months tend to be wrought with illness for your or your family, you’ll be amazed at what your body can do with the right tools and the right support.

In health,

Dr. Bonham and the Centered Team