Healthy Lifestyle


Ozempic: Is It All It's Cracked Up To Be?

Ozempic has taken the weight loss world by storm! Everyone wants to know, is it too good to be true? If so, what are some alternatives that might work for me? We’re here to shoot it to you straight.

We hear it all the time in our office: life is busy, living a natural/healthy lifestyle feels impossible because of busy schedules and workloads, or you just don’t know where to start because we’re constantly bombarded with the latest diet fads and lifestyle changes on a daily basis. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could shortcut it all with something as simple as a prescription like Ozempic or Wegovy and take that daily struggle off our plates? We get the appeal, we really do.

So, let’s break it down. How do the drugs work versus approaching it naturally?

The esteemed Dr. Mark Hyman explained it best in one of his recent articles, but we’ll give a quick synopsis: Medications like Ozempic are meant to mimic GLP-1, which is a naturally occurring hormone in your body. As Dr. Hyman explains, "GLP-1plays a crucial role in appetite control and blood sugar regulation, acting as a versatile helper in your digestive system. It slows digestion, signals fullness to your brain, manages blood glucose levels, and increases feelings of satisfaction after meals.” And “by mimicking GLP-1, medications like Ozempic essentially trick your body into feeling full and better regulating blood sugar levels. This mechanism makes them powerful tools for weight management and metabolic health, as they tap into the body's natural processes for controlling appetite and maintaining stable blood sugar levels.” However, these drugs don't come without serious risks. With just a simple Google search, some of the most common side effects include nausea, vomiting, other GI distress, hypoglycemia, and headaches. Less common, but more serious, side effects include pancreatitis, gastroparesis, and sudden blindness - just to name a few.

But what if we could harness the power of GLP-1 without having to introduce a prescription medication, riddled with side effects, and still reap the benefits?

The good news is, you can!

Now, we won’t lie: the results won’t come as quickly. But you also won’t have to deal with unwanted side effects or a lifelong commitment to a medication. Usually, the easy way is not the best way – no matter how appealing the easy way may seem!

I don’t think it will come as a surprise to anyone reading this that we will always advocate for the most natural approach when and where possible, and with good reason. When we give our bodies the appropriate fuel(i.e. food) versus an outside-in analogue (i.e. medication) that cannot be internally regulated, the outcomes are going to be different. Sure, both will lead to weight loss and reduction in blood sugar levels and therefore A1Clevels; however, one will have side effects while the other won't... why? 

When you try to influence the body from the outside-in, whether by injection, prescription, or surgery, the intelligence of the body cannot regulate it or integrate it, and so there is a negative consequence.  By following the laws of nature, which we always seem so eager to bend or break, we can get the same results, or better, without the negative consequences.  And here's the real kicker... they all recommend a healthy diet and exercise to accompany the prescription anyway. So, let’s chat through some ways to stimulate GLP-1 production that don’t involve adding another prescription to your medicine cabinet!

1.     Diet: food is fuel, so let’s make sure we’re packing our meals with whole foods. Dr. Bonham generally recommends following a Paleo diet, as it ensures you’re getting adequate nutrition, a variety of vitamins and minerals, and plenty of whole foods that your gut can properly digest. Additionally, in Dr. Mark Hyman’s article, he lists out specific foods that increase your body’s GLP-1 production, including things like dark leafy greens, apples, onions, berries, broccoli, bell peppers, etc. However, he does add the very important disclaimer that “this isn’t to suggest that eating these foods will give you the same effect as GLP-1drugs. After all, the medications provide supraphysiological doses. But by emphasizing foods that naturally stimulate greater production of GLP-1, you gain another way to use food to your advantage in optimizing your health. It's a way to point as many factors in your favor as possible. Importantly, it's not about eating one of these foods once a while, but rather consistently stacking lots of these foods into your diet each and every day.” If you’re still feeling unsure of where to start, check out this blog post where we shared some helpful resources for getting started on a Paleo diet.

2.     Regular Exercise: again, diet and exercise are going to be a factor whether you are or are not taking the medication, so it’s a factor you need to consider either way! Regular exercise increases your bodies GLP-1 secretion. If you’re having a hard time finding an exercise regimen that works for you, touch base with one of our doctors during your next visit. We understand how difficult it can be to find something that both feels doable to add to an already busy schedule and enjoyable enough that you want to continue it. We’ve got plenty of ideas and resources to share in this department – in fact, we’ve listed a few favorites in this blog post.

3.     Stress Management: did you know that “high stress levels can reduce GLP-1 production”? That’s why it is imperative that you learn strategies and techniques to manage your stress on a daily basis. We are huge fans of breathwork, and we know a lot of people find things like journaling, meditation, and yoga to work well for them. Whatever it maybe, finding a way to work through the stressors of each day is going to go along way on this journey.

4.     Quality Sleep & Recovery: As Dr. Hyman notes, “poor sleep can disrupt GLP-1 release, making it essential to prioritize good sleep hygiene.” Getting enough sleep not only recharges the body and aids in keeping deeply rooted chemical and hormonal systems in check, but it allows the body to clean and purge itself of waste and toxins.

Our entire approach here at Centered Chiropractic is built on the Four Pillars of Health, which just so happen to align with the necessary components to avoid another prescription refill to your repertoire 😉 So, if you’re looking to make a change, we’re here to walk alongside you on that journey. However, we know that lifestyle changes can feel overwhelming to the point that we end up not making any changes at all. We would like to challenge you to make one positive lifestyle change this year – just 1! If you can’t decide which one, talk with one of our doctors during your next appointment about what change may benefit you the most. Together, we can take small steps towards big changes.