Healthy Lifestyle


Four Pillars of Health

Around here, we are all about building a foundation of health, which is why our office focuses on the Four Pillars of Health.  

The Four Pillars of Health are the foundational elements that help create a healthy and resilient living being. Encompassing all the needs of the person, the Four Pillars focus on your headspace, your rest and recovery, how you nourish and feed yourself, and how to move to make sure you are well supported in all areas of your health.

Pillar One:

Movement – An object in motion stays in motion. Daily movement is key to physical, mental, & emotional vitality.

Our bodies are built to move! When we move, we align our bodies to the natural flow and rhythm that they were created for. Movement stimulates blood flow, healing, metabolism, creativity, learning, memory and a host of other important and beneficial processes. Many of the issues we see people dealing with in our office are due to a LACK of movement, not excess.

Pillar Two:

Mindset – what we think about, we bring about.

It’s so true. Our bodies hear every thought we have, whether good or bad. We can either keep ourselves stuck in a mindset of sorrow, grief, negativity, and despair or we can elevate our mindset to one of growth, healing, positivity, and joy – the choice is always our own.

Pillar Three:

Nourishment – when they say “you are what you eat” they really aren’t kidding.

Everything that goes through our body – the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we consume, all play a role in building tomorrow’s version of us. When we fill our body with chemicals, sugars, toxins, dyes, preservatives, and all the other non-food options out there, we not only slow the healing process, but we contribute to our dis-ease and disease to come.

Pillar Four:

Recovery – with burnout becoming one of the most common stressors, we all could use a little more rest and recovery in our lives.

Let's face it, we live in a go-go-go world. Too often we are worried about doing the next thing and not worried about assessing our needs and taking inventory.  Just as much as we are built for action, we also require rest. That rest can be physical, mental, and/or emotional depending on where you are at, but no matter what it is vital to your health and well-being. If you haven’t heard it lately, here is your reminder – YOU deserve rest too!

If you’re ready to build your own foundation of health, we’re the crew for you!